near Petersburg, Va.
13th, 1864
My Dear Father and Mother,
take the present opportunity to inform this few lines to you to let you know
that I am well at present time and I hope that this few lines will find you in
the same state of good health. I
received your letter today and I was very glad to hear that you are well all
the time and I am happy that I can say the same. I am also glad to hear that you got my money and I hope you
will take good care of it, as you did before. And if we don’t soon get paid I will be very apt to send for
some of it but I hope we will soon get paid off. We don’t need much money, but I want some once in a
while. I suppose you took good
care that you got my pay all in good money for I wouldn’t like to have any bad
money for I have to work hard for it.
We hear that the rebels are making a raid into Pennsylvania again but I
hope it will be to their sorrow. I
hope they will lose more men then they did last summer at Gettysburg and they
didn’t gain much that time by all appearances. It is for no use to write anything to you about the war for
you know more at home then we do out here for we do hear very little but what
we see. But I will let you know
that we will have a great explosion here before very long. We are going to blow up the rebels
forts. They are undermining them
now. They have two or three all
ready now and our regiment is working at one and they are near done with it and
I hope it will work all right, if they get it going. *
have no more to write today so I will bring these few lines to a close for this
time with the intention of hearing from you soon again. So I will remain your affectionate son.
W. Derr
Answer soon and direct your letter
as before. Give my love to my
brothers and sisters and to all inquiring friends. Tell Josiah Fetterolf if he wouldn’t write a letter to me I
would pin his nose up on his forehead.
G.D. the mules they shake too much I can’t write anymore.

I know this jumps the gun a bit on posting on the 150th anniversary of the creation of this letter, but I suspect that it doesn't violate any "rules" to post it more than once. I appreciate the interest of Brett and his loyal following on the "Beyond the Crater" website and I encourage all of you to visit his is just plain excellent.
In addition to this letter, I have other documents...well copies of other documents from the National Archives....which provide corroborating evidence of his work in the actual mine. JWD's official records in the Archives, provide the pension application information and affidavits that I have previously mentioned in other postings. These affidavits from fellow soldiers tell about how JWD participated in the digging of the mine and indeed became very ill from working in the cold damp conditions. He eventually contracted bronchitis and was out of active duty for a few weeks after the mine explosion. Below is the pension deposition from Sgt. Otto Bodo of the 48th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Co. "D" (Click on image to enlarge):
Pension Deposition from Sgt Otto Bodo
Petersburg Mine Entrance in July, 1864
Petersburg Mine Entrance Now
Crater Now
Lastly....I really enjoy the humor that JWD put into some of his letters...such as the postscript for his friend Josiah Fetterolf. He was irritated that his friend did not write enough letters to him...something you can understand... as a letter to a soldier in the field was worth its weight in gold. Also, his cursing of the mules in his wagon train. JWD, at this point in the war, also served as a teamster which allowed him to continue in the army service with a handicap from his leg wound at Second Bull Run. It brings a more realistic perspective on the man.
Jim D.
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