As I discussed in previous posts, there were two "lost" letters that were recently rediscovered. The first was published a few weeks ago ( and was one of the many letters written home from Georgetown College Hospital in September of 1862 while convalesced from his wounds at the Second Battle of Bull Run.

A soldier, such as John, must have felt bored, depressed and lonely waiting for his "minor" wound to heal. Letter writing and letter receiving was one of his few joys and releases.
Letter #24.....
College Hospital
September 27, 1862
My Dear Father and Mother,
take my pencil in hand to inform this few lines to you to let you know that I
am very well at present time and I hope that this few lines will find you in
the same state of good health.
Further I let you know that I received two letters yesterday that you
had wrote to me. One was wrote in
August the 10th and the other on the 14th. And I didn’t get them till yesterday
and I was very glad that I got them after all. Further I let you know that you stated in one of your
letters that you didn’t get my likeness what I did send home. I wish you would let me know whether
Francis Dengler got it and they didn’t give it to you or whether it didn’t come
home at all. Had it directed to F.
Dengler because mine and Solomon Yarnell was together. Further I let you know that my
leg feel very well this morning.
It begins to heal but it goes rather slow. But now I guess I must come to a close this time because my
pen is out of ink. Answer this
letter with good courage and as soon as you can without much trouble. This few lines from your dear son.
W. Derr
Direct your letter to John W. Derr
Georgetown College Hospital Ward No. 2
Washington, D.C.
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